Ubicado en el Valle de Guadalupe en el mero corazón de la ruta del vino en el ejido del porvenir entre San Antonio y Emiliano Zapata en Ensenada, Baja California se encuentra Almaliebre en una ubicación inmejorable rodeado de maravillas naturales en un entorno natural único. A tan solo una hora con treinta y cinco minutos del Aeropuerto Internacional de Tijuana y a tan solo una hora con cuarenta y cinco minutos del CBX.

Parcela 8 S7N, El Porvenir
Ejido Francisco Zarco
Baja California, México
C.P. 22755

Over millions of years seismic events, oceans, rivers of lava and the crashing of currents have left a record to this day through layers of earth and stone. As well as hill slopes with different exposures to the sun

Valle de Guadalupe (The Guadalupe Valley) is an environment nestled in the northwestern part of Mexico where this geological history has made possible an interesting natural development of vitis vinifera. 

Our immense passion for wine led us to find the 20-hectare ranch where ALMA LIEBRE is located. In the heart of El Porvenir Ejido. Right in the foothills of La Cañada de la Liebre in the municipality of Ensenada, Mexico.

The project consists of a reserve of 500 olive trees, 5 hectares vineyards and nature reserve of 11 hectares. 

Parcela 8 S7N, El Porvenir Ejido Francisco Zarco

Baja California, México C.P. 22755

Parcela 8 S7N, El Porvenir
Fijido Francisco Zarco

Baja California, México
C.P. 22755

Over millions of years seismic events, oceans, rivers of lava and the crashing of currents have left a record to this day through layers of earth and stone. As well as hill slopes with diffrent exposures to the sun.

Valle de Guadalupe (The Guadalupe Valley) is an evironment nestled in the northwestern part of Mexico where this geological history has made possible an interesting natural development of vitis vinifera.

Our immense passion for wine led us to find the 20-hectare ranch where ALMA LIEBRE is located. In the heart of El Porvenir Ejido. Right in the foothills of La Cañada de la Liebre in the municipality of Ensenada, Mexico. 

The project consists of a reserve of 500 olive trees, 5 hectares of vineyards and nature reserve of 11 hectares